Berlin wall falls
Between 1961 and 1989, Berlin in Germany was physically divided into East and West by a huge concrete wall. The penalty for anyone trying to illegally cross the wall was death.
A legacy of the political agreements from the conclusion of the Second World War, the division of Berlin eventually became a symbol of the Cold War between the United States and the USSR.
The Berlin Wall
Construction of the Berlin Wall started on 13th August 1961 through the installation of a barbed wire fence and eventually progressed into a permanent structure.
In the Whole Sign house chart for the initial construction we can see a Jupiter Saturn conjunction in the earth sign of construction and buildings, Capricorn. Keyword interpretations could include “Successful separation”, “big separation”, “buildings”
On 9th November 1989, the spokesman for East Berlin’s Communist party announced that citizens were now free to cross the border. More than 2 million people flooded across the border that night in what one journalist wrote was the “greatest street party in the history of the world!”
The astrology on that night is fascinating. In the above diagram, look to where the central arrow is pointing. The Solar Arc Aries Point (things happening publicly and out in the world) was on the midpoint of the radix Jupiter Saturn conjunction (from the day the wall was built). Solar Arc Mars was in aspect with radix Saturn (the death of something).
Transiting Neptune and Saturn were in conjunction being opposed by Jupiter…a huge outer planetary alignment. Astrologers always knew that this period was going to be very significant.
Witte interprets this as “destruction of buildings”.
The transiting nodal axis was in aspect with the solar arc Saturn (a fated significant moment) whilst the transiting Moon, so often a trigger, was just culminating at the Aries Point.